Tuesday 10 March 2009

The Cash Master System

Here's an unusual concept that I seen about two years ago whilst trawling through online money-making schemes. It involves making money from online bookmakers and not the usual cliché of getting free deposits. Now I know, I know this seems like a load of rubbish, because you can't beat the bookies, or predict who's going to win what. But this British bloke called Graham Laurie has developed this software called CashMaster.



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Let me explain how it works- let’s say there is a game and for arguments sake let’s say its England Vs Germany and there are 14 online bookies with ever so slightly different odds on the results of match, with the 3 outcomes being win-lose-draw what this software will do is find the best odds for each result.  So let’s say you want to bet £3 all in, this software will search all of the results, and will find a no lose scenario, like if you bet 30p on England to win and they win you get back £4.10 and if you bet £2 for Germany to win you win back £4 and finally if you bet 70p for a draw you get £4.12 back. That way you only spend £3 on betting and no matter which way you look at it, you make back between £4.00 and £4.12 giving you back your original stake of £3 plus a profit of at least £1


 Now this isn’t your usual “losers to winners” system and if you’ve used a martingale system before then this isn’t the same! The key with this system is the guides that come with it written by Graham Laurie. He provides a guide on how to use the system which must be read before using the system so that the user benefits. Along with the Software and the guide, he also includes 2 systems for picking winners at horse racing and they are extremely good systems! Furthermore he provides two other guides which tell you how you can play the lottery for free, and how you can use the online casino’s to earn some extra cash.


I have had this system for 2 months now and I played most of my student loan instalment on it. This was about £1,000 and I have now paid off my first year’s tuition and I’m half way through paying my second year off!


I highly recommend this system whether you’re into horse racing or not it doesn’t matter, because the guides are so good!


Click Here To Enter The Site 



Hello everyone I am Ben and welcome to my Blog. I just thought I would give this old blogging lark a go! I also wanted to be able to bring you bloggers out there, various systems that I have tried and tested to bring in a good income. In my blog I shall be showing you lots of different systems including casino, horse racing and affiliate marketing systems. Although these systems can provide a good income, they are not just "get rich quick" schemes, which means some will require a few hours a day to return a very good income for you, however it will be worth it.

Anyway hope this is an ok welcome, as I have never done anything like this before.

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