Thursday 11 June 2009

My Work From Home Pro

At Last...

A program that is truly the most affordable, most effective, fully automated money making system currently available online.

Men and women from homemakers to professionals, with no previous experience, are currently earning thousands of dollars in passive income every month using this practically fail proof money making system that simply works for everyone... every time!

This system was designed by Top Online Earners who have earned hundreds of thousands of dollars using the same simple technique, and now it can work for you too!

This incredible NEW system is called "MyWorkFromHomePro".

Kind Regards,


Wednesday 29 April 2009

My Favourite Entrpreneurs!

Hello Everyone, hope all is well. I just compiled a new list of my favourite entrepreneurs and why.

1.Richard Branson – Why? Because he is such an inspirational entrepreneur who constantly grows in various markets that he has never had any experience at before. He is one of the biggest risk takers out there as he invests much of his time and money into new projects that he usually doesn't no anything about, other than the fact that there is a gap in the market where he thinks his company would slot nicely. I once heard the term multipreneur used to describe Branson and thats exactly what he is. Besides no man's and island, well Richard is and island, he's Necker Island the one he owns in the Caribbean.

2. Bill Gates – Why? Because he proved that geeks can still be cool and invented and developed one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. Windows is a global phenonomen which is used the whole world over. He is always the market leader and that takes a lot of balls.

3. Duncan Bannatyne – Why? Because he came from a background of nothing. Ok so hes not the richest man on the list but £300 odd million aint bad. The reason I chose Duncan was because of his background. At the age of 15 he served in the Navy but was then discharged for threatening to throw and officer off the boat lol. He then had practically nothing to his name and could have ended up constatly in and out of prison. When he got on his feet he purchased an ice cream van and several more vans once the business grew. He then sold the business for £28,000 which back then was a lot for a small ice cream business. He then purchased a care home and once the first was built he remoartaged it and built his second one and so on. This just show how much of a risk taker he is remortgaging his houses and businesses just to start the next business.

4. Calum Brannan – Who? You may be asking who am I talking about on this one. But Calum Brannan should definitely be a name to watch out for. Okay so hes from my home town but he is still a very good entrepreneur. My attention first came about when I seen him in the local newspaper at 15 and he had created a social networking site where people could talk about clubbing. Now bearing in mind this was nearly 5 years ago so he knew that social networking was going to be big. But since then the has created and developed his social site into what is now called Youmeo. I'm pretty sure he's a millionaire and at the age of 20, how many of the above do you think were millionaires by that age?

Well there it is, my favourite entrepreneurs. What you reckon? Tell me what you think of them please. 

P.S If your looking for an opportunity to make some money and test you SEO skills, take the free trial at


Tuesday 28 April 2009

The Best Entrepreneurial TV Shows

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Hello again everyone. Just another update with a list of my favourite entrepreneurial television shows around at the moment. I would firstly like to say that these TV shows are just the ones that I have seen in the UK and I would appreciate it if you could send me links to any other great entrepreneur shows.

Anyway here's the list :

1.Dragons Den – This is probably the best show on the television at the moment that showcases entrepreneurial talent. If you haven't seen it, there are a panel of five judges who are all multi-millionaires called the “dragons,” and then an entrepreneur pitches an idea to the dragons asking for an investment in their product/idea for a return in equity of the firm. check it out

2.The Last Millionaire – This is another very good television show but in a different sort of format. In this show there are 12 already successful millionaires that range from successful car salesmen, accountants and even yoga instructors. They are then taken to different cities in different parts of the world and paired up boy/girl, and are asked to make the most profit in this city. The cities range from Istanbul, Berlin, Cairo, Hong Kong etc. The thing that makes this show different is that the entrepreneurs are competing for their plain journey home and the person who is the loser after the 12th week is declared the last millionaire.

3.The Apprentice – This is a great show. It has done well in both the UK and the US. In this show there are a number of entrepreneurs who are all fighting for a place to become the apprentice of the head of a multi-million/billion pound firm. In the UK version the apprentices are competing for a job with Sir Alan Sugar, and in the US version they are competing for a job with Donald Trump. Every week the boss sets the apprentices a task to complete. They are set into two teams and then the groups have to elect who they think should be team leader of the task. Then at the end of the week a member of the losing team gets fired by the boss. UK Version US Version

Well there it is my top three entrepreneurial shows, I'm sure there are loads more and if you have any different favourites then feel free to let me know.


Monday 27 April 2009

Inspirational Quotes

Alright people just thought I would share some inspirational quotes with you all.

1. Entrepreneurship is living a few years of you life like most people won't, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't - A student

2. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - E. Roosevelt

3. Go back a little to leap further. - John Clarke

4. Fortune favours the brave. - Publius Terence

5. Most great people have attained their greatest success just on step beyond their greatest failure. - Napoleon Hill

6. The longer you're not taking action the more money you're losing - Carrie Wilkerson

7. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it. - William Arthur Ward

8. To win without risk is to triumph without glory - Corneille

9. They can because they think they can. - Virgil

10. Fall seven times, stand up eight. - Japenese Proverb

11. Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement. - Unkown

12. Years teach us more than books. - Berthold Auerbach

13. One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching. - Mooie

14. If you aint making waves, then you're not kicking hard enough. - Unkown

15. A coward gets scared and quits, a hero gets scared and carries on. - Unkown

Hope these quotes are inspring to you and I hope you have much success in any projects you are currently doing.


Update on The Opportunity

Hiya people.

This is just a little update on the Myworkfromhomepro system as I have been trialing it for a few weeks now.

I would  just like to start by saying the different things that i have been doing to drive traffic to my site. I haven't been using adwords yet as I want to keep my costs to a minimum and I am pretty confident that I can make a few sales using some other techniques. 

Some of the techniques that i have been using have been utilising the power of the social networking sites. I have mainly been using youtube and other video sites to start with but will be moving onto myspace and facebook soon enough. Just imagine the amount of traffic that can be generated if you use these sites in the right way. The Susan Boyle video alone had 46 million views last time I checked and that was just the other day. You can comment on these highly popular vids and ask people to check your video out. Also you can attach a video response to the video that you thinks going to drive most of the traffic to your site (however the user that owns the video will have to accept your video response).

Another social networking site that I have found very useful is Twitter. Twitter is an amazingly popular site at the minute and is growing rapidly among the social networks. The reason I think Twitter is so good for internet marketers is because there are so many internet entrepreneurs, work from home moms and other people waiting to find an income online. So what I did is found a popular entrepreneurial blogger who has thousands of follwers and started to follow him on Twitter. I then started to follow the people that he was being followed by. This meant that the people I was following where extremely likely to be interested in my system because they themselves were looking for a way to make money online. This was great. I had just advertised to thousands of potential customers for free and they were all my target customers. Better than any adwords would have got me. 

Anyway thats my little update (which turned into quite a big update lol) with some of the techniques I have been using to drive traffic to my site. I hope you check back soon and I hope you have every success in driving traffic to your sites and blogs. 

P.S Remember to sign upto the free 10 day trial at


Thursday 23 April 2009

The Opportunity - Good or Bad for an Online Income?

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The Opportunity – Good or Bad for and online income?

They say its the best work from home opportunity, and its so easy that anyone can do it. But just how good is Myworkfromhome as an income generating system?

Well hopefully after this report you should have a better picture of how good the “opportunity” really is.

I shall start by introducing myself, background and why I chose to look for income on the internet. I'm a first year university student from the United Kingdom studying Business Studies. I was just plodding along not necessarily enjoying my course at university as it wasn't what I really imagined. It was too broad a course for me as I thought it might be more about running your own business.

So I decided to turn to the internet whilst still plodding along on my university course. I was very sceptical of the internet as a source of income and studied it for months and months until I came across this “opportunity” on the myworkfromhomepro website.

Now the site looked good and explained things very well, but then again don't most of these “work from home” sites. I was still sceptical about the site and decided to research it further. So I found another site which reviewed these work from home opportunities and this was one of the things that they reviewed. This sites review prompted me to give the free 10 day trial a try. Since then I have bought the product and at the moment things are going very well. Now don't get me wrong this is not a “get rich quick” scheme, you will have to put in a few hours work to make your money, but when you do it seems to be well worth it.

In conclusion I think that the myworkfromhomepro opportunity may just be the best one out there because the products available are second to none and the idea is so simple. If you want you are intrigued by this report and want to sign up for the free 10-day trial then please see the link below.

Thank You 

Tuesday 10 March 2009

The Cash Master System

Here's an unusual concept that I seen about two years ago whilst trawling through online money-making schemes. It involves making money from online bookmakers and not the usual cliché of getting free deposits. Now I know, I know this seems like a load of rubbish, because you can't beat the bookies, or predict who's going to win what. But this British bloke called Graham Laurie has developed this software called CashMaster.



Click Here To Enter The Site



Let me explain how it works- let’s say there is a game and for arguments sake let’s say its England Vs Germany and there are 14 online bookies with ever so slightly different odds on the results of match, with the 3 outcomes being win-lose-draw what this software will do is find the best odds for each result.  So let’s say you want to bet £3 all in, this software will search all of the results, and will find a no lose scenario, like if you bet 30p on England to win and they win you get back £4.10 and if you bet £2 for Germany to win you win back £4 and finally if you bet 70p for a draw you get £4.12 back. That way you only spend £3 on betting and no matter which way you look at it, you make back between £4.00 and £4.12 giving you back your original stake of £3 plus a profit of at least £1


 Now this isn’t your usual “losers to winners” system and if you’ve used a martingale system before then this isn’t the same! The key with this system is the guides that come with it written by Graham Laurie. He provides a guide on how to use the system which must be read before using the system so that the user benefits. Along with the Software and the guide, he also includes 2 systems for picking winners at horse racing and they are extremely good systems! Furthermore he provides two other guides which tell you how you can play the lottery for free, and how you can use the online casino’s to earn some extra cash.


I have had this system for 2 months now and I played most of my student loan instalment on it. This was about £1,000 and I have now paid off my first year’s tuition and I’m half way through paying my second year off!


I highly recommend this system whether you’re into horse racing or not it doesn’t matter, because the guides are so good!


Click Here To Enter The Site 



Hello everyone I am Ben and welcome to my Blog. I just thought I would give this old blogging lark a go! I also wanted to be able to bring you bloggers out there, various systems that I have tried and tested to bring in a good income. In my blog I shall be showing you lots of different systems including casino, horse racing and affiliate marketing systems. Although these systems can provide a good income, they are not just "get rich quick" schemes, which means some will require a few hours a day to return a very good income for you, however it will be worth it.

Anyway hope this is an ok welcome, as I have never done anything like this before.

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