Tuesday 28 April 2009

The Best Entrepreneurial TV Shows

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Hello again everyone. Just another update with a list of my favourite entrepreneurial television shows around at the moment. I would firstly like to say that these TV shows are just the ones that I have seen in the UK and I would appreciate it if you could send me links to any other great entrepreneur shows.

Anyway here's the list :

1.Dragons Den – This is probably the best show on the television at the moment that showcases entrepreneurial talent. If you haven't seen it, there are a panel of five judges who are all multi-millionaires called the “dragons,” and then an entrepreneur pitches an idea to the dragons asking for an investment in their product/idea for a return in equity of the firm.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/dragonsden/ check it out

2.The Last Millionaire – This is another very good television show but in a different sort of format. In this show there are 12 already successful millionaires that range from successful car salesmen, accountants and even yoga instructors. They are then taken to different cities in different parts of the world and paired up boy/girl, and are asked to make the most profit in this city. The cities range from Istanbul, Berlin, Cairo, Hong Kong etc. The thing that makes this show different is that the entrepreneurs are competing for their plain journey home and the person who is the loser after the 12th week is declared the last millionaire.


3.The Apprentice – This is a great show. It has done well in both the UK and the US. In this show there are a number of entrepreneurs who are all fighting for a place to become the apprentice of the head of a multi-million/billion pound firm. In the UK version the apprentices are competing for a job with Sir Alan Sugar, and in the US version they are competing for a job with Donald Trump. Every week the boss sets the apprentices a task to complete. They are set into two teams and then the groups have to elect who they think should be team leader of the task. Then at the end of the week a member of the losing team gets fired by the boss.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/apprentice/ UK Version

http://www.nbc.com/The_Apprentice_5/ US Version

Well there it is my top three entrepreneurial shows, I'm sure there are loads more and if you have any different favourites then feel free to let me know.


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